Power Up with Proteins
Since protein has a high thermic effect, your body will burn more calories to digest it.
Drink More Green Tea
"Drinking brewed green tea is an effective way to get EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), an ingredient known to speed up metabolism," Carlson-Phillips says. "Three cups of green tea a day can increase metabolism by up to 10 percent."
Power Up with Proteins
Since protein has a high thermic effect, your body will burn more calories to digest it. Score! When it comes to protein, Amanda Carlson-Phillips, vice president of nutrition and research for Core Peformance recommends including a lean protein source in every meal.
"Eating five to six mini meals per day and including a lean protein source such as low-fat cheese, beans, chicken, fish, or peanut butter on every plate is a great way to rev your metabolism and keep you feeling energized and fueled all day long," she says.
Don't Be Intimidated by Gym Machines
Angela Corcoran, director of education at the Cybex Research Institute, says to hit the gym and take advantage of those fitness machines. They're good for building lean muscles and will help you to ramp up your metabolism.
Stock Up on Salmon
Salmon is an Omega-3 powerhouse full of protein and healthy fats, says Ilyse Schapiro, registered dietitian and certified nutritionist. Salmon is great for burning fat, bu the Omega-3s in it will also help to make your metabolism more efficient, slowing digestion and preventing cravings, she adds.
Minimize Your Carb Consumption
"Stay away from processed, sugary junk food, and even things like fruit juice," says Michael Mountain, author of Ultimate Fat Loss Solution. Stick to protein, which increases metabolism by 30 percent for up to 12 hours, whereas carbs and fat increase metabolism by 4 percent for less than one hour. And don't forget fiber--it binds with metabolized fat and removes it from the body.
Use Olive Oil
Believe it or not, some oil is good for weight loss. Olive oil is a healthy fat, which actually "turns on" your metabolism and helps you burn more body fat, according to Eric Broser, professional bodybuilder and Planet Muscle Magazine columnist.
Give Your Body a Detox
"A seasonal detox is an effective way to clear toxins out of one's system to speed up metabolism and to enhance overall health," says Matt Dower, spa director of the award-winning Mirbeau Inn & Spa, which offers a do-it-yourself detox for those who seek to continue its health benefits at home after their visit. Just be careful to avoid extreme detox diets that can do more harm than good.
Drink, Drink, and Drink Some More

And Drink Water with Lemon
Cheryl Wheeler Duncan, a detoxification expert, certified nutritionist, and Hollywood stuntwoman, recommends you drink a tall glass of lukewarm water with a half or whole lemon squeezed in it and fiber. She does so every morning. "The digestive enzymes in the lemon, plus the fiber, will get your metabolism and digestive system moving so you are easily digesting anything you eat later that day," she adds.
Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently
You've heard this one before, but it's worth repeating! Eating smaller meals more often throughout the day can help fire up your fat-burning furnace. Susie Akers, director at the Aamoth Family Pediatric Wellness Center at MetroHealth and gastroenterology dietitian, recommends you consume at least three to four times a day instead of only one to two times to keep your metabolism up and avoid excessive portions with large meals.
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